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This work by Boccacio was very popular in 14th century France, containing many lessons on self control and resistance to evil and vices, illustrated by many examples from history and mythology. Many lords and kings had a copy from the translation in French by Laurent de Premierfait. Those books were finely decorated and this translation was very close to the original latin text. You can access our progress on this book, day by day, of transcribing it to plain text, line by line. We also provide various critical editions of the book, and expect to publish a modern french and modern english translation soon.

Prose 1400

Modern english (epub, pdf, html, txt, md)
Modern french (epub, pdf, html, txt, md)
Middle french (epub, pdf, html, txt, md)
Transcripted pages (txt)
Commented scans (jpeg, due to a lack of bandwidth and time we have stopped after a few pages)
Transcripted text (txt)